Age in Place Canada by MoJo Design

Have You had Your Project MoJo'd Yet?

Stay-at-Home Solutions

At MoJo Design Inc., we believe in creating spaces that adapt to your life at every stage. Our 'Age in Place' services in Canada are designed to make your home safe, comfortable, and accessible, enabling you to live independently and with dignity in familiar surroundings.

Live Longer, Live Better at Home

Did you know staying in your own home can actually contribute to a longer, happier life? Our mission is to help you live comfortably and independently. With insightful statistics guiding us – like the fact that 63% of falls occur at home – we're committed to transforming your space into a safe haven, drastically reducing risks and enhancing your well-being.

Why MoJo Design Inc. for Your Renovation?

Investing in aging-in-place modifications is an investment in your quality of life. While costs vary based on your unique needs, we provide transparent pricing on essentials like grab bars, comfort height toilets, and more. Let's discuss options that fit your budget and lifestyle.

Our Process

Discovery Call

  • Free 30-minute phone consultation with Maureen & Johanne.

  • Discuss design needs and determine project fit.

  • Clarify goals and objectives for the project.

  • Discuss budget considerations and timeline expectations.

  • Share inspirational photos, Houzz account, or Pinterest boards.

Initial Consultation

  • In-home or business consultation for up to 1.5 hours. ($250 + GST)

  • All decision-makers should be present.

  • Discuss goals, budget, style preferences, and design challenges.

  • Provide feedback and suggestions based on expertise.

  • Take photos and measurements of the space.

  • Review Letter of Agreement and discuss project details.

Research, Design, and Present

  • Analyze space architecture, lighting, color scheme, and function.

  • Develop a design direction and conceptual design plan.

  • Create floor plans and 3D renderings.

  • Select materials, finishes, furniture, and accessories.

  • Present the design plan, including renderings, product spec sheets, and samples.

  • Finalize details and make necessary revisions.

The Physical Work Begins

  • Manage project from start to finish with trusted trades.

  • Order, track, receive, inspect, and deliver products to the site.

  • Liaise with trades to maintain high standards and integrity of the project.

  • Conduct regular site visits and provide project updates.

  • Perform a final walkthrough to review the project and address any issues.

Final Styling/Staging

  • Provide decorating services outside the initial scope.

  • Source, deliver, and install furniture, window treatments, and accessories.

  • Apply the finishing touches that enhance the overall design.

Turn Your Dreams into Reality

Have Your Project MoJo'd Today!

Ready to transform your commercial space? Contact MoJo Design Inc. for a consultation and embark on a journey to create a business environment that’s as dynamic and forward-thinking as your brand. Let's build a space that not only meets but exceeds your expectations.

Here's What to Expect When You Hire Us



What should I consider before starting an interior design or renovation project?

Kick off your renovation adventure by zeroing in on your dream space's look and feel, as well as how much you're willing to invest. Take stock of the essentials — does your space need any electrical or plumbing work? Check out the rules your renovation needs to follow, and if you're bringing in the pros, pick someone who fits your style and respects your budget. Get ready to make your space truly yours!

How do I determine my interior design style or the look I want to achieve?

Explore design websites, magazines, and social media for inspiration. Consider your personal tastes, the functionality of the space, and any existing furniture or decor you love. You can also take online style quizzes or consult with MoJo Design to help define your style.

What is the typical timeline for a home renovation project?

A typical home renovation timeline varies widely depending on the project's scale. Small updates may take a few weeks, while extensive remodels can take several months to a year. Always factor in time for planning, permits, and potential unexpected delays.

Will I need to hire different contractors for various phases of the renovation?

It depends on the scope of your project. For comprehensive renovations, you might need various specialists like electricians, plumbers, or painters. MoJo Design will manage the entire process and bring in subcontractors as needed.

Can I live in my home during the renovation, or will I need to find alternative accommodations?

For minor renovations, you might be able to stay at home, though expect some disruption. For major remodels, especially those involving kitchens or bathrooms, it might be more practical to arrange alternative accommodations until the work is complete.